Church News

Friday, April 13, 2012

SVPC cleanup 3/31

Saturday 3/31 @ 9:00. Please come anyone to help do yard work,haul off trash, and clean and organize Shepherd of the valley. We have upcoming events starting with egg hunt on 4/1 and sunrise service on Easter morn. Thanks, don and Theresa

Update on Phillip

This is an amazing story of God's grace. Phillip and Lee are so blessed and such a blessing to the rest of us.
----- Original Message -----

Special Friends and Church Family,

Dr. Yeildings office just called wanted us to know that the biopsy was Negative!!!! He didn't want us going thru the weekend and worrying anymore!!! Also Dr. Tincher's office called with same news No Cancer Cells In biopsy!!!!!!

God is so Awesome!!! Praise Him Everyday!!!

Also back pain is much better after vertebroplasty. Pain level down from 8 to a 2!!!!

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and love!!!!!! Prayers are answered!! We just have to believe and had lots of Faith!!

God Bless & Love u all,
Lee & Phillip

Sympathy Ernestine Webb Family

Our church extends Christian love and sympathy to Ernestine Webb, Ernestine Wardlow, Suzanne and all members of their family in the loss of Stanley Morrow. Stanley was Ernestine Webb's nephew. This death was sudden and unexpected so please minister to this family as you have opportunity.
Visitation is Sunday 5-7 pm at Valley Chapel- 1800 Oxmoor Road
Service is Monday 10am at Shades Valley Presbyterian Church