Church News

Monday, February 29, 2016


Lord Jesus, Your love flows through me.
Let me search and find those in need
To touch, to hold, to hug them,
Just as You always have done for me.
Human touch is necessary I am told.
How much more to be touched by You.
If I can be Your arms my Jesus,
Use me, Your will be done.
Let those whom I hug feel Your pure love,
And feel moved to follow You.
To feel Your peace, and seek Your grace, and
So, ask to be freed from their sin.
For, You alone are our Savior.
And, only You can save.
But, if a hug can help them see
You are waiting patiently,
Then, let me be Your arms, sweet Lord.
Let me live for You.
And, let me be Your disciple
To bring others closer to You.
By Kay Stephens

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Prayer Meeting

We will gather for a special prayer meeting on Monday, February 29, at 6:00 PM. With 2016 being an election year, the Spiritual Life Team would like to use this time to pray for the upcoming Alabama Primary Election on Tuesday, March 1st. We will be praying for the candidates and God's guidance through this election year.


Central Alabama Handbell Festival

At Pleasant Hill Methodist Church

Our talented and precious handbell choir will be performing with the other attendees of the festival on Saturday, March 5th at 3:00. They need to have your support of their fine work and dedication to this ministry of our church. Our new neighbors in McCalla also need to see us supporting this ministry and how important this group is to our faith family. It will be a wonderful music experience to hear all these bells ringing in one concert! We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Lenten Tree
We hope you will notice in the narthex that our 1st Anniversary Blessing Tree which was covered with notes from our members is changing for Lent. We pray that during this Lenten season we might emerge from our personal wildernesses and, leaning on His Word, be prepared to serve Him and His kingdom with new life. Watch our Lenten tree change these forty days and then as we welcome the risen Christ with joy on Easter Sunday!
As we enter into the season of Lent….
     setting aside the ordinary to focus on the extraordinary
     remembering Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness
     taking a somber journey of examination and confession….
We will see our Lenten Tree in the narthex change…..
     from barren as wilderness
     to covered in symbols of Christ’s love for us
     from all our little blessings gone
     to covered with the blessings of True Life!

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Easter Lilies
It is almost time to order Easter Lilies! Look for order forms in the February 28 and March 6 Sunday bulletins!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Dedication Sunday
"And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst." Ezra 25:8
Please join us for a special time of dedication during worship on Sunday, Feb. 21 when we will present memorial plaques in honor of several of our members who have made a significant impact at Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church:

Dr. Leroy and Mrs. Jo Holt for our sanctuary/worship space

Elizabeth and Martha Asbury for the office and education areas

Mrs. Katherine Wickstrom for the covered porch project
Please join us as we recognize their contributions to the ministry of SVPC and as we honor their faithful dedication and willingness to give to the vision of growing Christ's Kingdom.
Our vision of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian in McCalla was the climax of a long faith journey fueled by faith in God's calling us all to serve Him. Our Lord has blessed us in so many ways and this Sunday we will praise Him once again as we thank these servants for their gifts to this congregation.