Church News

Friday, March 10, 2017


A trip to Tennessee is planned for Monday, April 24th to Tuesday, April 25th. The Tennessee events include the Tennessee Aquarium, IMAX movie, various shows and a play at Crossville, Tennessee at the Cumberland County Playhouse ("A Second Chance").


Reservations must be made by Wednesday, March 15th with a $100 deposit. The deposit will be credited toward the total cost of the trip. The total cost is $225 for a Double Room and $275 for a Single Room. The cost covers all but one lunch and one dinner on the road.


Please contact the church for more information.


Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch immediately following worship


Palm Sunday, April 9th


Sponsored by our Youth for all our little ones, friends, and family.


All are welcome!


How lovely is our sanctuary on Easter morning adorned with beautiful white lilies given in memory or honor of a loved one. If you would like to participate, each potted lily wrapped in white with a white bow is $21.00. This may be paid by check made payable to SVPC and marked "for lilies." An order form will be included in the Sunday worship bulletins Sunday, March 12th and 19th. Orders must be paid for and completed by the 19th. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office (565-7025). Thank you for helping to make such a glorious day even more beautiful!