Sunday, April 23, 3:00 PM
Reception to Follow
As we have been on this Lenten journey together, renewing ourselves in Christ, we have also taken part in the ECO's (Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians) Great Commission, Great Compassion Lenten Giving. These funds will go to The Outreach Foundation in support of the Presbyterian Church of Syria. In the weeks that we have been focused on this Emergency Relief Fund, we have seen Syria's war that has raged on for 6 years intensify even more. More and more people are being left homeless, wounded and even worse. Food is scarce, as are warm places to lay their heads and now terrible weapons are being used on these people. Our Presbyterian brothers and sisters are working tirelessly to bring assistance to all who are in such desperate need.
This will be our last week for this offering. Please write your check to SVPC marked for Lenten Giving, and place in the offering plate or mail to the church. We ask you to give generously above and beyond your normal giving on this wonderful Resurrection Sunday!
Easter is the greatest opportunity to invite friends and family or those you meet in the community to be a part of the worship of our Lord God and our new life in Christ. See you this Sunday!
Join us for an Easter sunrise service
6:30 AM Easter Sunday
(followed by a light breakfast)
The Bessemer Music Club Meeting
Wednesday, April 12, 10:00 AM
The program will feature Eamon Griffith, who is the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs First Place Piano Collegiate Winner. Join us for good food and good fellowship!
Garden Cross Dedication
WHEN: Between Sunday School and Worship
WHERE: Service outside, weather permitting
We will focus on the meaning of the bare wooden cross that will be covered in flowers the next week on Resurrection Sunday!
Choir Cantata and Children's Palm Processional This will lead us through a remembrance of Holy Week, "The Seven Last Days."
Church-wide Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt following the worship service (hosted by our Youth)
9:45 AM: Sunday School
10:30 AM: Cross Dedication
11:00 AM: Worship - Cantata
12:05 PM: Easter Egg Hunt & Lunch