Church News

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Arrangements for Linda Grable

Memorial Service for Linda Grable (Dominga Toner's sister) is this Friday evening at 6:00 at Brown's in Bessemer.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Prayer request for Dot Howell's grandson

Please pray for Beaux Allen Waites, Dot Howell's grandson, who has RSV and is back at Children's Hospital.  Please no visitors as he is in isolation - just special prayers.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sunday, September 30th

God has poured out His love into our hearts - Romans 5:5, NIV

It's time to pack those shoeboxes!  On Sunday, September 30th, we will have lunch immediately following morning worship and then wrap and pack to do our part to help reach hurting children for Christ.  If you are interested in learning more about the discipleship part of OCC, here is a link to the "Greatest Journey" information on the Operation Christmas Child website:

Please invite others to attend on Sunday.  Please make lunch reservations through the church office.  Please bring soft toys for younger children or socks or t-shirts or ball caps or flashlights with batteries if you still would like to donate OR you can donate for the $7.00 per box shipping fee.  Please, most importantly, be in prayer for Samaritan's Purse as they lead this mission AND for the children who will receive these gifts.

This year we do NOT need you to bring wrapping paper, tape or scissors.

Thank you so much for participating in this work that touches millions of children across the world with a simple gift that is powerful enough to change lives with the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Arrangements for Mary M. Wanninger

HEARTFELT PRAYERS AND SYMPATHY are extended to Ellis Wanninger, Rev. Susan Laney and the entire family at the death of beloved wife and mother, Mary M. Wanninger on Wednesday, September 26, 2012.  The Memorial service will be Friday, September 28 at 5:00pm in the Sanctuary of South Highland Presbyterian Church.  Visitation will follow in the Davis Family Hall.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Sunday School 9:30am Tomorrow

FPC Family - Please join with all of us this Sunday morning at 930am in the Fellowship Hall for a group Sunday School Lesson including lite breakfast.  Yayyyyy!  Dan Stephens (Assoc. Ex. Presbyter) and his wife will be helping us celebrate by teaching the lesson. Barri (Youth and Outreach) will announce the winner of our summer attendance contest.  This will be enjoyable.  Please make every effort to join your Christ family tomorrow morning.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Update on Cary Southerland

Cary is out of surgery and doing fine.

Prayer Request - Cary Southerland

Please remember Cary Southerland, who had an accident a couple of weeks ago, and is having surgery on his shoulder now. Thank you!

prayer request - Clint Cherry

My Aunt Sue requested that I put my Uncle Clint Cherry on the prayer list.  Uncle Clint is my dad's twin brother - living in Arkansas. He's diabetic and got a cut on his leg that he did nothing about.  Now he's very sick in the hospital and they'll probably have to amputate.

Prayer Update and Praise Report

Just wanted to give everyone a update.  Aunt Sara had surgery to put plates on her neck to brace her back.  She is suppose to have surgery on her wrist today.  She opened her eyes Wednesday for the first time in two weeks.  We see it as hopeful!!!  God is good.  Agape, Donna

prayer list - Linda Grable

Good morning Brenda, Please put my sister Linda Grable on the prayer lists. She  has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. She will be going to UAB's CCC today to start meeting with doctors about her treatment.  As always thanks, for being our secretary, prayers, D

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Prayer Request, Fred Jobe

Please keep Fred Jobe (Elizabeth Ware's father) in your prayers.  He is under hospice care.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Prayer Request - Sarah Tarvin

Please remember Mike Holmes aunt in your prayers.  She is still awaiting suregery because of blood pressure and breathing  problems.  She is in a serious condition.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Operation Christmas Child packing party

Dear Church Family,

We have a very special time together coming up on Sunday, September 30th, immediately following morning worship.  This will be our day to pack our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!  It is a great time  to serve as Christ's hands and feet on earth as we pack our little gifts that mean so much to a child in a desperate situation.  Please share this mission opportunity by inviting friends and family.  Lunch will be provided but we do need to have your reservation by calling the church office or by signing up on Sunday.

The following should help you remember what we have gathered this year for our boxes.  Some of the items we still need are soft toys for young children.  Then, for September we are collecting miscellaneous items such as ball caps, socks, t-shirts, flashlights with extra batteries, etc.  Some people have even sent small flip-flops since they will fit in the box and not take up too much room. 

We could still use more shoe boxes, please!

Thank you so much for supporting this mission opportunity where we are a part of a huge effort to show Christ's love in a very meaningful and transforming way!

Barri Pratt
Director of Youth and Outreach
First Presbyterian Church
Bessemer, Alabama

 2012 Operation Christmas Child  
Items to collect schedule

May – small toys
June – hair brushes, barrettes, combs, brushes, etc.
July – toiletries such as washcloths and mild bar soap, tooth brushes and paste
August – school supplies (if pencils, then pencil sharpeners)
September – miscellaneous items such as socks, t-shirts, ball caps, flashlights with extra batteries
Anytime– shipping fee of $7.00 per box.

What to bring to pack in a shoe box (You may want to share this list with friends you will invite to the packing party on September 30th.)

small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A
Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky®, etc.

pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc.

toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc.

hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps;
sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries)

A PERSONAL NOTE  (you can do this ahead of time or we will do them at our packing party on September 30th!) In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family.

Alma Porter

We express Christian Sympathy to the family and friends of Alma Porter, who passed away this afternoon.  Arrangements are pending.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Reminder: Missionaries or games @ Sun Sep 9, 2012 (SVPC, The Way)

Missionaries or games

Sun Sep 9, 2012
SVPC, The Way
SVPC The Way - organizer
Invitation from Google Calendar
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Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 9th starts us back!

Hey, y'all!

This attached photo is just so precious I had to send it even though I may
have sent this exact one before!!  You all were sooooo sweet to Miss Jean!

Are you ready for some football???  How about some pumpkin pie????  What are you wearing for homecoming????  But the most important question today is.......will you be with us on September 9th as we kick off at SVPC?

Yeppers, we will start at 5:00 as usual but we do have a few new things in scheduling to try.  We will not eat supper until 6:00 so we can have pizza with the faith family over at the church house before worship starts at 6:30 for The Way.  Now, don't you worry, we will still have sodas and some sort of snack to begin with so there is no one starving.  We don't want that but we do think it will be a great time to share with the rest of our SVPC family and have time to do all of our stuff.  Also, just as a heads up, there will be a few weeks, off and on, that we may meet downtown at FPCB and we may meet there early.

Please put on your calendar, if you haven't already, OCC packing party on September 30th.  We will not meet that evening since we will be packing boxes starting right after morning worship.  Then we have our big day which is Children and Youth Sunday on October 21st.  We really need to know who will be able to commit to this project so we can do our best as we lead worship for our church family.

I would like to put out something for you all to pray over and see what you might do in this time.  Think about inviting friends to come with you on Sunday evenings.  Think about reaching out to someone you may not have spoken to in awhile but you think this might be just the place for them to be.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you know how to be used at Shepherd of the Valley.  You guys can make a difference here, God could really use you in this journey of growth for Him and His kingdom!

Our first meeting on the 9th will be some fun and activities but also we will be looking at our schedules (please bring your school schedules, football schedules, events, any plans you know you have) and talking about what you would like to do this season.

I hope to see you all there at 5:00 and then supper at 6:00 and worship at 6:30!  Love ya!

Barri Pratt
Director of Youth and Outreach
First Presbyterian Church
Bessemer, Alabama

Monday, August 13, 2012

Youth lock-in update - more photos

Here are some more!  You guys are sooooo cute!  There are so many more but I will put them up at church, I guess.

Miss Barri

Youth lock-in update

Well, happy Monday to ya!!

If you were not at church yesterday, know that you were missed greatly and if you missed the lock-in on Tuesday night last week, you were missed and missed out!!  You, too, could have won grand prizes at our very own Olympics and had a red, white, and blue dessert!  But mostly you missed out on hand delivering little crafts to some folks and getting lovely hugs from Miss Jean (Goodwin)!  You took some great photos of our church and really helped me by getting the OCC gifts organized. We hope you will ALL be with us on our next adventure; whatever that may be!?!?  It just isn't the same without each of you.

I want to thank you guys for being sooooooo awesome and fun to be with.  Miss Donna and I are very blessed!

I know school starts back too soon for some of you but my prayers are with each of you as you begin a new year of experiences and learning.  You are each a minister for Christ as you go into your school with a great desire to reflect His love!  You change the world each day you do that for Him!  Thank you!

I want to re-remind you of some dates:
·        Youth and children start back to regular Sunday schedule on September 9th
·        Sunday, September 30th after worship will be the Operation Christmas Child packing party with lunch
·        Sunday, October 21st will be youth and children Sabbath followed by our annual church picnic
·        I am guessing that our trip to help pack up OCC right after worship will be on Sunday, November 18th, but that is a guess

I hope that helps you all out and that you have all those dates on your calendar now.

We REALLY need you all to be praying about our time we want to dedicate to God in preparation for youth and children Sabbath, October 21st.  We need to know that you ALL hope to make this a time you dedicate to your service to the body of Christ so we can make it awesome for our Creator and Father!  Youth and kids, could you let me know how you feel about that, please?

I hope you like the pictures.  I may send more in another email.

Love you lots!

Miss Barri

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Youth lock-in


Howyadoin???  Did you all make it through the storm ok last night?  Wow, that lightening was crazy and it seemed like we made up for all the rain we had not gotten in a year all in one night!  I know it was bad for some folks like our Miss Brenda Atkins in our office.  Their basement flooded and they still don't have power so she is trying to clean all that mess up AND do it without lights or air conditioning!  Rough day!  Please remember to pray for her family and others affected by the storm.

You guys asked for a night at the youth house soooooo here we go……….

I thought I would let you know a bit more about the lock-in set for next Tuesday, August 7th through August 8th.  We will meet at SVPC (McCalla) at 6:00 for dinner, movie, crafts for shut-ins, and maybe out for yogurt or something, and some prayer time together.  We will stay overnight at the youth house, have breakfast, and then head out to visit some of our sick and shut-ins.  After that and some lunch out we will go to the downtown church (FPCB) for a few projects and some of it MAY require clothes you could get yucky or sweat in, according to the weather.  Most of it will be inside work that isn't really work.  Then, we will return to SVPC for desserts, snacks and maybe a NAP!!!  Parents can pick you up between 4:00 and 5:00.  If you need a ride or you will be driving yourself and others, please let me know so we can plan for that.

Please bring:
·        money for snacks and lunch on Wednesday
·        sleeping bag or blankets, pillows
·        towel and toiletries such as deodorant
·        sleeping clothes
·        change of clothes for Wednesday
·        signed permission form (attached to this email)

I hope that gets a few of the details out of the way!

Youth and children, and even those just right out of youth, are welcome.  Please let me know if you are coming so we can make sure we have food and transportation for everyone!

It will be great to all visit and play "Pit" and eat and pray and laugh together!

Love ya!

Miss Barri

Friday, April 13, 2012

SVPC cleanup 3/31

Saturday 3/31 @ 9:00. Please come anyone to help do yard work,haul off trash, and clean and organize Shepherd of the valley. We have upcoming events starting with egg hunt on 4/1 and sunrise service on Easter morn. Thanks, don and Theresa

Update on Phillip

This is an amazing story of God's grace. Phillip and Lee are so blessed and such a blessing to the rest of us.
----- Original Message -----

Special Friends and Church Family,

Dr. Yeildings office just called wanted us to know that the biopsy was Negative!!!! He didn't want us going thru the weekend and worrying anymore!!! Also Dr. Tincher's office called with same news No Cancer Cells In biopsy!!!!!!

God is so Awesome!!! Praise Him Everyday!!!

Also back pain is much better after vertebroplasty. Pain level down from 8 to a 2!!!!

Thank you to everyone for all your prayers and love!!!!!! Prayers are answered!! We just have to believe and had lots of Faith!!

God Bless & Love u all,
Lee & Phillip

Sympathy Ernestine Webb Family

Our church extends Christian love and sympathy to Ernestine Webb, Ernestine Wardlow, Suzanne and all members of their family in the loss of Stanley Morrow. Stanley was Ernestine Webb's nephew. This death was sudden and unexpected so please minister to this family as you have opportunity.
Visitation is Sunday 5-7 pm at Valley Chapel- 1800 Oxmoor Road
Service is Monday 10am at Shades Valley Presbyterian Church