Church News

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 9th starts us back!

Hey, y'all!

This attached photo is just so precious I had to send it even though I may
have sent this exact one before!!  You all were sooooo sweet to Miss Jean!

Are you ready for some football???  How about some pumpkin pie????  What are you wearing for homecoming????  But the most important question today is.......will you be with us on September 9th as we kick off at SVPC?

Yeppers, we will start at 5:00 as usual but we do have a few new things in scheduling to try.  We will not eat supper until 6:00 so we can have pizza with the faith family over at the church house before worship starts at 6:30 for The Way.  Now, don't you worry, we will still have sodas and some sort of snack to begin with so there is no one starving.  We don't want that but we do think it will be a great time to share with the rest of our SVPC family and have time to do all of our stuff.  Also, just as a heads up, there will be a few weeks, off and on, that we may meet downtown at FPCB and we may meet there early.

Please put on your calendar, if you haven't already, OCC packing party on September 30th.  We will not meet that evening since we will be packing boxes starting right after morning worship.  Then we have our big day which is Children and Youth Sunday on October 21st.  We really need to know who will be able to commit to this project so we can do our best as we lead worship for our church family.

I would like to put out something for you all to pray over and see what you might do in this time.  Think about inviting friends to come with you on Sunday evenings.  Think about reaching out to someone you may not have spoken to in awhile but you think this might be just the place for them to be.  Pray that the Holy Spirit will help you know how to be used at Shepherd of the Valley.  You guys can make a difference here, God could really use you in this journey of growth for Him and His kingdom!

Our first meeting on the 9th will be some fun and activities but also we will be looking at our schedules (please bring your school schedules, football schedules, events, any plans you know you have) and talking about what you would like to do this season.

I hope to see you all there at 5:00 and then supper at 6:00 and worship at 6:30!  Love ya!

Barri Pratt
Director of Youth and Outreach
First Presbyterian Church
Bessemer, Alabama