Dear Friends,
Our January newsletter included an article about an upcoming event that the youth of our church are planning. I hope you read it and are ready to do some jitter-bugging! We will be celebrating our church members, family, and friends who are part of The Greatest Generation and we would appreciate your help in these efforts.
In case you did not remember the details from the newsletter, here is an excerpt:
Do you remember The Great Depression, World War II, Citizen Kane, Glenn Miller, gas rationing, scrap drives and Fireside Chats?
If so, then you are invited to a party in YOUR honor! Our youth at First Presbyterian would like to honor and salute you if you were born before 1946 or if you are part of what our nation considers its "Greatest Generation."
We will have good music – (REAL music, like you remember!) great food, a little dancing, and fellowship to celebrate all that you have given to us through your sacrifice and patriotism.
The entire congregation is invited to this time of celebration on Saturday, March 2, 2013 at 11:30.
The Fellowship Team is on board for helping with the lunch and other food items. Russell is learning about the Andrew Sisters and other amazing music. Randy is sharpening up his interview techniques so we can find out some wonderful details of those exciting and trying days in our nation's history.
Could you play a part in this very special celebration? We would love to have you help in honoring these great folk! If you are interested, please, just give me a call (church 424-3950, cell 914-7034, home 425-7325) or an email and then we can talk more details as our team comes together.
Your efforts will greatly bless those who have blessed us so very much!
Thank you,
Barri Pratt
Director of Youth and Outreach