Church News

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Update on Roberta Perez

This is an amazing story from Mona Cornell concerning her sister Roberta Perez for whom we have been praying. Thanks be to God.


Randy Kesler


This is what my sister sent me Randy.  Praise God and thank you and all our friends at FPC.



Good morning. I just wanted to let you know that all the prayers and love you sent my way worked a miracle. I am home and have no pain at all, like it never happened.

Pathology in the operating room said there wasn't any cancer. Divine intervention.  

Previous blood test and a biopsy could not of been wrong. Unless there is cancer somewhere else. My lungs are clear.  I believe I was saved by the prayers. Thank you so much. Love you!


Arrangements for Jean Kernan

The funeral arrangements for Jean Kernan are as follows:

Saturday, Jan. 25
11:00 Visitation
12:00 Graveside

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01-22

We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Jean Kernan. She passed away earlier this morning. We are thankful for her life and devotion and for the legacy she leaves behind. Her family is absolutely precious. 

Kristi Wardlow McNeal has her first visit with her MS doctor this morning at 9 am.  This is a long awaited visit so let  us join in prayer together for good news in the way of managment of symptoms and ease of mind for Kristi and her family.  There are some very special people in our congregation who are managing or know someone who is managing this condition successfully.  So Kristi is joining the ranks of some tough cookies!  With God's help, she can do it!
Although Randy mentioned Pop (A.W. Jinright) this morning, I understand that he is quite lethargic and breathing shallow this am.  Last night he seemed to be better, even continuing to cut up with the nurses.  We are so thankful for his sense of humor!   We are unsure about what is the cause of his lethargy this morning, but are confident that the Lord knows and is with him.  Please continue to keep Keith in your prayers as well. 

Roberta Perez, Mona and Al's sister, will have thyroid surgery in California this morning at 11:30 am. Pray for success, wisdom for the doctors and nurses and most of all, for the healing touch of the Holy Spirit. 

Surely there are others but please stop now and pray for these.  Thank you.


Sympathy for the family of Jean Kernan

I just received word that Jean died about 7:55 this morning.  Joyce was helping her take some liquids and she stopped breathing. We give thanks for her life and for her sweet family.  Please ask the Lord to help them in their loss.  Jean has gone home now free of the debilitating illnesses which hampered her here.  She was indeed wonderful in her love and devotion to her daughters and family.  Thanks be to God for his immeasurable grace in her life.


Grace and Peace,

Randy Kesler

Monday, January 20, 2014

Update on Jean Kernan

Jean was moved today to a palliative care unit. She has improved over the last thirty six hours - kidney output has dramatically increased, she is eating much better, and circulation seems to have significantly improved. Nothing has changed regarding her cancer of course but no one can deny that she has made a turn for the better, praise the Lord. Please continue to remember her and her family in this trying time.

Rev. Randolph Kesler

Update on baby Walker

An update from Friday's prayer request for baby Walker Wyatt.  They turned off the ECMO machine at 9:30 this morning. (this machine was basically supporting his heart and lung function) The doctors are hopeful that with the current medications he is on that his heart and body will be able to function without the use of this machine.  They said that the longer is on the machine decreases his survival rate.  He is in critical condition.  Please take a moment to lift him up to the Lord and ask for healing of his body.  Please also pray for peace and comfort for his family.


Friday, January 17, 2014

Urgent prayer request - 01/17

A friend of Vicki Latta asked to place some friends on our prayer list.  Her friends, Matt & Carla Wyatt, just had a baby boy the day after Christmas. Walker Wyatt was born with a heart defect called HLHS, which basically just means that the left side of his heart does not work. So the doctors have to try and make the right side do all the work. He has already had 4 heart surgeries but is not doing well. The doctors told the parents earlier today that it would take a miracle from God for this little boy to make it. So please take a moment and lift this little boy up to the Lord and ask for healing of his little body and a strengthening of his heart.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01/15

Below is Jim McClelland's update on Julie Williams:
Dianne Dennis Bailey Update on our friend, Julie Williams......Julie has been removed from the heart pump and her heart is functioning great!! She is very frightened, but is able to respond and to correctly answer all the questions asked of her. The doctor said they have had a true miracle from God!!
Thank you for your prayers!  Let's continue to keep Julie and her family covered up!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01/13

Jim McClelland has sent a special request from his friend Dianne Bailey whose friends Julie and Cecil Williams were in a bad car accident today.  Julie apparently was driving and had a heart attack.  She is in critical condition.  Please be in prayer for Julie and Cecil and their family and friends during this time.
Update on Jinrights:  Claudia is out of rehab and back in her apartment.  Pop is out of the hospital and into rehab.  Please keep them both in your prayers for continued improvement.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01/08

Good Morning and Happy New Year!
This morning Pop (A.W Jinright), is having a scan and possibly a procedure (thoracentesis) to extract fluid from around his lungs.  We are hopeful this will help him greatly in regards to his breathing.  He had a pretty good day yesterday being able to sit up in a chair for the first time in a little while.  It felt good to him to get out of the bed!  Please be in prayer for him today that the scan/procedure will be successful and give him some relief and for continued improvement.  Pop is well aware of the prayers that are surrounding him and he is greatful and humbled by them.  Thank you for your faithfulness with prayers for him and for all requested!   FYI, Claudia Jinright is rocking on with her therapy.  I think she may be dancing soon!
Additionally, Frank Bruce (Becky's uncle) is having prostrate surgery this morning at St. Vincents.  Please remember him in regards to the surgery and the healing needed afterwards. 
Remember prayers for Jean Kernan and Joyce and Jack Cornelius lifting them up and keeping them close during this difficult time for their family.
Please also remember Roberta Perez, Mona's Cornell's sister, who is having thyroid surgery this morning as well.  Pray for all involved in her surgery and for her recovery!  The Lord is faithful and always busy!   We are right to trust in Him!
Let us also keep in our thoughts and prayers the families of our servicemen who lost their lives yesterday in the helicopter crash.  Sacrifice is a sacred thing and must be honored.  Thank you to all are servicemen and women.  Pray for their safety and well being.

Stay warm!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01/07/14

Jean Kernan (mother of Joyce Cornelius) came through her surgery okay and was moved to a room but was soon moved to SICU. Please continue to pray for her and her family. 

Also, remember Mona Cornell's sister who is having very serious cancer surgery tomorrow.  She has thyroid cancer and it has spread.  Occasionally we come across seasons of need for intercessory prayer and now is one of those times. 

Scripture encourages us to be priests for one another which means stand before God as you pray for the persons you mention.  That is what a priest does.


Update on the Jinrights - Claudia is in rehab and continues to improve following hip surgery. Pop (A.W.) is still in the hospital and is slightly better each day. Please pray for patience and strength and continued healing for each of them.