Church News

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Prayer concerns for 01-22

We extend our Christian sympathy to the family of Jean Kernan. She passed away earlier this morning. We are thankful for her life and devotion and for the legacy she leaves behind. Her family is absolutely precious. 

Kristi Wardlow McNeal has her first visit with her MS doctor this morning at 9 am.  This is a long awaited visit so let  us join in prayer together for good news in the way of managment of symptoms and ease of mind for Kristi and her family.  There are some very special people in our congregation who are managing or know someone who is managing this condition successfully.  So Kristi is joining the ranks of some tough cookies!  With God's help, she can do it!
Although Randy mentioned Pop (A.W. Jinright) this morning, I understand that he is quite lethargic and breathing shallow this am.  Last night he seemed to be better, even continuing to cut up with the nurses.  We are so thankful for his sense of humor!   We are unsure about what is the cause of his lethargy this morning, but are confident that the Lord knows and is with him.  Please continue to keep Keith in your prayers as well. 

Roberta Perez, Mona and Al's sister, will have thyroid surgery in California this morning at 11:30 am. Pray for success, wisdom for the doctors and nurses and most of all, for the healing touch of the Holy Spirit. 

Surely there are others but please stop now and pray for these.  Thank you.
