Church News

Monday, April 11, 2016


This will be the sixth year of the Birmingham Bible Reading Marathon and we as a church family will once again be participating. It is an international, annual event where people, young and old, read the entire Bible (Genesis through Revelation) aloud for 90 continuous hours, without commentary. Each volunteer will read aloud for 15 minutes and then pass the reading, like a baton, to the next person. Approximately 360 volunteers are required to complete the reading of the entire Bible.

This takes place on the front steps of Southside Baptist Church in Birmingham.  The reading begins Sunday, May 1 at 6:00pm and continues around the clock through Thursday, May 5 (the National Day of Prayer) at 11:30am. Some of our members will be reading on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Even some of our children and youth will be participating and some of our members will be there in the wee-hours of the morning and also serving as monitors.

Reading God's Word out to the world from those steps at Southside Baptist in the middle of Birmingham is a moment you do not forget. You do not know if someone may hear the scriptures read for the very first time, ever. Or your reading may be exactly what a passers-by hurting heart needs to hear. Or, you may feel that it is just you reading for God's pleasure as He listens to His children speaking His Words to honor Him. It is a blessing for so many and we appreciate all who make this event possible.