Great work last week on our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!
Thank you for all your help, donations, and prayers that help make this ministry a beautiful experience and for reaching far across the globe to offer the love of Jesus to a hurting world. We finished up 100 of our 200 box goal for this year. Our youth have already set up their work station in their new space (thanks to all who made that possible, especially Miss Donna!). We are still in need of items to fill our boxes so donations are still being accepted. Our Youth Team will shop for those specific items needed to fill out the gifts for specific ages. We want to use the items we have already collected and just fill in with new purchases to make the most use of what you have already shopped for.
So here is what you can do:
- donate for extra items that are needed.
- donate for the $9.00 shipping cost of each box.
- be excited and patient with our messy process of completing these gifts.
- pray that these shoeboxes will be useful tools to open doors for the proclamation of the gospel, giving The Gift that lasts forever.
- pray, also for all those who are participating in some way in this ministry and for the process of collecting, transporting and delivering of the boxes to their rightful destinations.
Our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication will be during worship on Sunday, November 19th . Then our youth will deliver them to our local drop-off site and help pack and serve in that location as these boxes are readied to be delivered to Atlanta and then on to countries far and wide. Thanks again for your support of this ministry!