“For God so greatly loved and dearly
prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that
whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish
(come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.” – John
3:16 (Amplified)
The disciples knew from Jesus’ teachings how much the Father loved them as well
as Jesus himself. This promise of eternal life and love made the journey well
worth it. The disciples did not follow Jesus because of what they could get out
of it, but in hopes of continuing Jesus’ work.
God is a loving, compassionate God, who wants to
have a personal relationship with each and every one of us. God touches us all
in many different ways, at many different times in our life. As a teacher, I
get to see the excitement of my students when they have been touched by our
loving God. I love to hear their stories and share in their joy and spiritual
walk. As I reflect on this verse, one
particular student comes to mind. I remember when she accepted Christ as her
Savior and the joy and love she felt in her heart. She could not wait to tell
me all about it.
Her story told in her words, “This scripture, John
3:16, means so much to me, it is difficult to find just the right words to say.
I don’t want to say anything that would minimize the meaning or affect these
words have had on my life. I love everything about this verse. It touches my
heart down deep, not a superficial love. It is not the same love as my short
lived relationships with boys or even the love I have for my family. I love my
family very much, but this love is different and much deeper. I know that no
matter what I do He loves me and always will! I love how God says, “He loved
the world,” all of us, so much that he was willing to give his only son’s life
to free us from sin. It is amazing and incredible to me that he would give up the
life of his son for sinners. Jesus died for ME and YOU, so that we could live. He died to take away our sins. I also love where
it says, “that whoever shall believe in him shall not parish but have ever
lasting life!” This verse has meant so much to me since the time I was baptized,
and asked the Lord to come into my life. It has had a true meaning to me! I
know that I can turn over my sins to Him, and know that he will forgive me for
all I’ve done wrong in my life. I know I can go to him for anything at anytime
day or night! He is MY savior, and I am forever grateful for all He is and does
for ME and YOU!
Love is shown in our actions. God is love in action.
Jesus is love in action. This is what God wants us to reflect every day, love
in action. In what ways do you, regularly, express God’s love in action to the
lives you touch every day?
Prayer: Jesus, help me be your love in action for
the lives I touch. Amen
1. What
is something you could do or change to become a more “love in action” person?
2. Would
you be willing to give up everything to follow Jesus like the disciples did?