Church News

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dear Church Family,

This Sunday morning in worship we will take just a moment to honor our own Sarah Southerland.  Sarah graduated from Auburn University in December and we want to give her our congratulations and well-wishes!

Also, immediately following worship our youth will be collecting for Souper Bowl of Caring.  Our First Presbyterian youth have taken part for years in this time of collective sharing all across America.  This year we will give our monetary donations to our local Meals on Wheels, a very special ministry of this church. No food items will be gathered for this offering.  We will also have another chance for you to give next Sunday, February 3rd. Thank you for always being so giving in the name of Christ.

Then, also on this Sunday, January 27th, we will have a lunch bunch.  If you have not turned in your reservations, please call the church office if you plan on joining us.  We will enjoy a wonderful meal together, a time of fellowship, and hear from our elders about their ministry teams and their goals for the coming year.

We will NOT be having The Way worship services out at Shepherd of the Valley this Sunday evening since the lunch bunch keeps us later in the afternoon.  Also, we will NOT have those SVPC services on February 3rd due to the Super Bowl game.  We hope this will help you in your planning and scheduling for your family.

Let's all be together, sisters and brothers, this Lord's Day in worship of His Holiness and Grace!
