Church News

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Dear Faith Family, 

As we open our hearts to being thankful, this mindfulness of the abundance in our lives brings us to thoughts of each of you. We are grateful for your service and love of Christ and we count it a blessing to come along side you in this mission. Thank you for all that you do from teaching Sunday School to opening the church for meetings and events, for preparing communion to preparing fellowship meals, for keeping the building maintained to maintaining records and finances. You do amazing work for the kingdom and for this faith family. 

The bounty in all of our lives is amazing and when we stop this week to give thanks to our Heavenly Father, we can also ask to be reminded of how to share those blessings with others. Our congregation has given itself to the ministry of Operation Christmas Child (by the way, we did finish packing and delivering 200 shoe boxes to the local distribution site. Our brothers and sisters there who we work with each year were so excited for us about accomplishing that goal! How sweet that they shared in our joy with us.) Coming up we have the opportunity to give and work with another mission oriented event, Feed My Starving Children, on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Every week in worship and ministry we all have the chance to give to each other the blessing of our presence and love and concern as we live out our faith in Jesus Christ here at SVPC, in our families, and in our world. 

Today through Saturday the pastor will be taking family time off. The office will be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. 

We look forward to seeing you Sunday for our celebration of Thanksgiving. 

A blessed Thanksgiving to you all! 

The Staff of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church


It will soon be time to adorn our Sanctuary with festive poinsettias as has been our tradition for many years. We are offering you the opportunity to help us and order in honor or memory of a loved one. Poinsettias are $23 each and will be available for you to take home following our Christmas Eve Service. As in times past, your payment is due along with your order. Thank you! 


"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." - John Fitzgerald Kennedy

Friday, October 27, 2017


Great work last week on our Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes!


Thank you for all your help, donations, and prayers that help make this ministry a beautiful experience and for reaching far across the globe to offer the love of Jesus to a hurting world. We finished up 100 of our 200 box goal for this year. Our youth have already set up their work station in their new space (thanks to all who made that possible, especially Miss Donna!). We are still in need of items to fill our boxes so donations are still being accepted. Our Youth Team will shop for those specific items needed to fill out the gifts for specific ages. We want to use the items we have already collected and just fill in with new purchases to make the most use of what you have already shopped for.


So here is what you can do:

- donate for extra items that are needed.

- donate for the $9.00 shipping cost of each box.

- be excited and patient with our messy process of completing these gifts.

- pray that these shoeboxes will be useful tools to open doors for the proclamation of the gospel, giving The Gift that lasts forever.

- pray, also for all those who are participating in some way in this ministry and for the process of collecting, transporting and delivering of the boxes to their rightful destinations.


Our Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Dedication will be during worship on Sunday, November 19th . Then our youth will deliver them to our local drop-off site and help pack and serve in that location as these boxes are readied to be delivered to Atlanta and then on to countries far and wide. Thanks again for your support of this ministry!


Martin Luther – Rebel for God!


The 500th anniversary of the Reformation is October 31, 2017. (And you thought that date was only good for getting candy and scaring people!) 500 years ago, Martin Luther had had enough of what the Catholic Church was cooking! Back in that time, a Dominican priest named Johann Tetzel, acting on commission of the Archbishop of Mainz and Pope Leo X, was in the middle of a huge fundraising campaign in Germany to finance renovations to St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. The Roman Catholic Church spread the word that forgiveness of sins could be obtained by purchasing "indulgences".


Martin Luther was so fed up with the Church's actions, he wrote the 95 Theses and nailed them to the front door of the Church! Copies of his document were quickly translated from Latin to German and distributed throughout the region. A copy made its way to Rome, where efforts failed to convince Luther to come around to the dark side. So, in 1521 Pope Leo X excommunicated Luther from the Catholic Church. Luther didn't let that get him down though, in fact, it spurred him to refuse to recant his writings before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V of Germany. Charles would not be outdone and issued the famous Edict of Worms (what a title!) which declared Luther an outlaw and a heretic and gave permission for anyone to kill him without repercussions.


Luther snubbed that edict because he was employed by Prince Frederick the Wise of Saxony who protected him. Frederick chose not to enforce the Edict of Worms and allowed Luther to translate the Bible to German over the next 10 years in the safety of his Wartburg Castle.


In a final effort to get to Luther, Charles V revoked the provision that allowed any ruler of a German state to choose whether they would enforce the Edict of Worms. But by that time, a number of princes and other Luther supporters issued a protest declaring that their allegiance to God trumped their allegiance to the emperor. These folks were the first "Protestants"! How about that? And Reformed Theology was unleashed with the heart of the message being "Jesus is the only Way to Salvation! You can't buy it, God gives it to all who believe in Him!"


Happy Reformation Day (Oct. 31) !

Friday, April 21, 2017



Sunday, April 23, 3:00 PM

Reception to Follow

Thursday, April 13, 2017


As we have been on this Lenten journey together, renewing ourselves in Christ, we have also taken part in the ECO's (Evangelical Covenant Order of Presbyterians) Great Commission, Great Compassion Lenten Giving. These funds will go to The Outreach Foundation in support of the Presbyterian Church of Syria. In the weeks that we have been focused on this Emergency Relief Fund, we have seen Syria's war that has raged on for 6 years intensify even more. More and more people are being left homeless, wounded and even worse. Food is scarce, as are warm places to lay their heads and now terrible weapons are being used on these people. Our Presbyterian brothers and sisters are working tirelessly to bring assistance to all who are in such desperate need.

This will be our last week for this offering. Please write your check to SVPC marked for Lenten Giving, and place in the offering plate or mail to the church. We ask you to give generously above and beyond your normal giving on this wonderful Resurrection Sunday! 


Easter is the greatest opportunity to invite friends and family or those you meet in the community to be a part of the worship of our Lord God and our new life in Christ. See you this Sunday!

Friday, April 7, 2017


Join us for an Easter sunrise service

6:30 AM Easter Sunday

(followed by a light breakfast)


The Bessemer Music Club Meeting


Wednesday, April 12, 10:00 AM


The program will feature Eamon Griffith, who is the Alabama Federation of Music Clubs First Place Piano Collegiate Winner.  Join us for good food and good fellowship!


Garden Cross Dedication

WHEN: Between Sunday School and Worship

WHERE: Service outside, weather permitting

We will focus on the meaning of the bare wooden cross that will be covered in flowers the next week on Resurrection Sunday!


Choir Cantata and Children's Palm Processional  This will lead us through a remembrance of Holy Week, "The Seven Last Days."


Church-wide Lunch and Easter Egg Hunt following the worship service (hosted by our Youth)



The Church office will be closed


Sunday, April 9

9:45 AM: Sunday School

10:30 AM: Cross Dedication

11:00 AM: Worship - Cantata

12:05 PM: Easter Egg Hunt & Lunch

Friday, March 10, 2017


A trip to Tennessee is planned for Monday, April 24th to Tuesday, April 25th. The Tennessee events include the Tennessee Aquarium, IMAX movie, various shows and a play at Crossville, Tennessee at the Cumberland County Playhouse ("A Second Chance").


Reservations must be made by Wednesday, March 15th with a $100 deposit. The deposit will be credited toward the total cost of the trip. The total cost is $225 for a Double Room and $275 for a Single Room. The cost covers all but one lunch and one dinner on the road.


Please contact the church for more information.


Easter Egg Hunt and Lunch immediately following worship


Palm Sunday, April 9th


Sponsored by our Youth for all our little ones, friends, and family.


All are welcome!


How lovely is our sanctuary on Easter morning adorned with beautiful white lilies given in memory or honor of a loved one. If you would like to participate, each potted lily wrapped in white with a white bow is $21.00. This may be paid by check made payable to SVPC and marked "for lilies." An order form will be included in the Sunday worship bulletins Sunday, March 12th and 19th. Orders must be paid for and completed by the 19th. If you have any questions, feel free to call the church office (565-7025). Thank you for helping to make such a glorious day even more beautiful!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Ash Wednesday Service


This is a special time of prayer and repentance, and the imposition of ashes.

Friday, January 13, 2017


Feed My Starving Children


The Bessemer/McCalla Kingdom Builders will be hosting a Feed My Starving Children packing event on Saturday, January 21st. SVPC participated the last two years and we were all so glad that we did. Please call the church if you are interested in helping this year.


Feed My Starving Children is a non-profit Christian organization committed to feeding God's children hungry in body and spirit. The approach is simple: children and adults hand-pack meals specifically formulated for malnourished children, and then these meals are shipped to their distribution partners. FMSC meals have reached nearly 70 countries around the world through the years.


We will join as a community to pack food that will be sent out to nourish those who are starving. If you plan to volunteer, we thank you so much for committing your time. If you are unable to be present at the event, please pray for the volunteers, the FMSC organization, and the recipients of the Manna Packs - may they be filled in body and spirit.


Also, please give generously. We need sponsorship and donations in order to make this event happen. It truly costs thousands of dollars to get it all done. Pleasant Hill Methodist hosts this great ministry for our community so if you or someone you know is interested in corporate sponsorship, contact Monica Harbarger at You may also give through SVPC and mark your check for FMSC (Feed My Starving Children).


Presbyterian Women General Meeting


Our PW General Meeting has been changed from Sunday, January 22nd to Sunday, February 12th, immediately following worship. The whole church is invited to join them for lunch and a very special and informative program.


On this new date, February 12th, we will be hearing from Rev. Anna Kent who is on the staff of ECO, A Covenant Order of Presbyterians, and of which we now belong! Anna is Director of Mission Affinity Groups with ECO and she will be speaking to us about them since we are part of the covenanted life of ECO. Rev. Kent will also be preaching at our 11:00 worship service.


All are invited to enjoy a lunch hosted by our Presbyterian Women and then stay for this great opportunity to learn about the denomination of which we now belong.


Ice Skating

Monday, January 16, 2017 – MLK Day


Kids 10 years old and under need a parent with them. We will leave the church at 11:00 and return at 5:00.  The church will cover the cost of the skating but you are asked to bring money for food and snacks.  Please call the church to make reservations.


Apologetics Seminar


Sundays, January 15, 22, & 29 and February 5

6:30 PM (Soup Supper at 5:30 PM)

Session has invited Judge Eddie Vines to share with us in four one-hour sessions dealing with some basic questions of our Christian faith and more. Judge Vines decided not to run for re-election this past fall because he has been pursuing a theological degree at New Orleans Theological Seminary. Join us for these sessions and a soup supper preceding. Please call the church office or email to sign up for supper, childcare, and the class.

Friday, September 16, 2016


Pumpkin Patch Trip

Harpersville, Alabama

Saturday, October 22nd

Leave the church at 9:00am

Tickets are $10.00 and includes your pumpkin and some rides.


There will be exhibitors from all over the South including handmade Indian arts & crafts, blacksmiths, woodworkers, wrought iron art, fabric and canvas artists, and more!


In October, the fields of the Old Baker Farm will be bursting with color as the pumpkins in the fields become ripe for harvest. What a perfect time for families and groups to experience life on a working farm. Take a hayride through Dead Hollow Swamp, pick pumpkins and cotton, and explore our corn and hay maze. There are farm animals to pet and enjoy when you visit our barn which was built in 1919, as well as acres and acres of living history!


Civil War Reenactment featuring replica of an old fort!


Live Music including Bluegrass, Country, Blues, and Gospel!


Antique Tractors! Pedal Tractors for the Kids!


Join us after worship on September 25th for a light lunch and a packing party. Please make reservations for the lunch by calling the church office or by signing up at church this Sunday. Each box needs $7.00 for overseas shipping. You may give to this fund online at


September collections for Operation Christmas Child will be socks, small flashlights with batteries, toothpaste and our $7.00 shipping fee. If you can’t shop for items, donations may be given and we will fill in the gifts that are most needed. You may also give to this fund online at

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Matthew 25:35-36 says, "For I was hungry and you gave Me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave Me something to drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in: I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you took care of Me; I was in prison and you visited Me."

As we approach our Operation Christmas Child Packing Party, Sunday, September 25th, 2016, we thought it might be a perfect time for a little history of this shoebox ministry. Our faith family, from Bessemer First Presbyterian to Shepherd of the Valley, has supported the wonderful ministry of Operation Christmas Child (OCC) for close to fifteen years.  It began with our youth bringing this ministry opportunity to us and they continue to host and encourage us in it today.  As a little note of interest, our last service at Bessemer First Presbyterian closed out with a lunch and a shoebox packing event.  That seemed fitting as our congregation, which began in 1888 in Bessemer, served in missions and we ended our time there in 2014 doing missions.  Then, in 2015 we carried this ministry right here into McCalla with us.  Now, in 2016 we continue with this tradition of service.

You can help us support Operation Christmas Child by giving a financial gift at The process is fast, easy, and secure. We truly appreciate any support you can provide. Together, we will be able to help so many people in Jesus' Name!

If you can't make a donation at this point, you can help us reach our goal by sharing this page on Facebook and Twitter.  Or, even better, send an e-mail to friends you think might be interested in contributing and include a link to our page.  Thanks so much for your generosity!

Sunday, August 14, 2016


August OCC Collections will be school supplies. We actually have a pretty good amount of pencils already.  If you do purchase any, please bring the ones that are already sharpened.  Some items we really need are: small pencil sharpeners; erasers; small notepads that will fit in the shoeboxes; the old thin, smaller type coloring books; crayons; markers.  Thank you for helping us be ready to pack these gifts of hope this October or November!


Hymn Sing, Lunch Bunch, and Concert
Sunday, August 21, 12:05 PM
We will be enjoying a  summer hymn sing for morning worship.  In this wonderful service we look forward to your choosing your favorite hymns. There will be no sermon. Instead the lyrics and melodies of the great hymn writers you love will proclaim the good news.  After worship we will join together in a lunch bunch time of fellowship followed by a concert by Jeremy McMillan.

Friday, August 5, 2016


Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Men

Prayer Breakfast

Saturday, August 13, 8:00-9:30

The provisional agenda is as follows:

8:00 Fellowship and Breakfast

9:00 Assemble for Prayer

· Opening Comments

· Formal Prayers

· Open Floor

· Closing Prayer



Friday, July 15, 2016


Operation Christmas Child
July collections: toiletries such as MILD bar soaps, washcloths, toothpaste, toothbrushes, but no liquids!


Firefighter Recognition
Sunday, July 24
Join us for worship Sunday, July 24 when we will have a special recognition and appreciation of our volunteer fire fighters of the McCalla-McAdory area. We will have a congregational prayer for them on that Sunday.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Celebrating 240 Years of Liberty


As we approach the Fourth of July, it is a good time to remember why this is, in essence, a Presbyterian Holiday.


First, the Declaration of Independence declares the sovereignty of God as the chief legal authority. The Westminster Confession of Faith states: "God the supreme Lord and King of all the world, hath ordained civil magistrates to be under Him, over the people, for His own glory, and the public good." (XXV.1)


Second, the Declaration of Independence was signed by representatives of the people – a system of government that is essentially Presbyterian. There is a striking similarity between the principles set forth in the Form of Government of the Presbyterian Church and those set forth in the eventual Constitution of the United States.


Third, the Declaration of Independence declares the right and duty of godly people to reject and oppose ungodly tyranny imposed by our rulers – whether a king or an elected government. This is a vital principle that we need to recall today, that no national government or tyrannical leader should be granted the right to rule our consciences in opposition to the Word of God.  



We are establishing a Men's Group at SVPC


The mission of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Men is: To lead men into a vital relationship with Christ and to assist them in their spiritual, personal and community development.


This is an inclusive group open to all men 18 years or older who are members or friends of SVPC.


For further information, please call the (205) 565-7025.


Just a reminder that our General Meeting is Sunday, June 26, at 12:05 PM. We will have a delicious lunch provided by Circle 2 and Night Circle. Mert will be presenting a wonderful program (not to be missed!!!). We will also be presenting the Lifetime Achievement Award. So join us for good food and a time of fellowship.


Our VBS Cave Quest Mission Focus: First Light Center for Homeless Women and Children

Their mission is to work with homeless women and their children to create hospitality in a safe and nurturing community, to encourage them to maintain dignity, to find hope, to seek opportunity, and to grow spiritually, thereby achieving their full potential.

We will be collecting items for this ministry that was started in the basement of the Birmingham 1st Presbyterian Church. You can bring your items to our Terrific Tuesday VBS or to church each Sunday in June. This will be a great mission focus!


Mission Trip to Presbyterian Home for Children


We have an opportunity to serve in Christ's name to a ministry that we know and love - The Presbyterian Home for Children! Some of you had said you would be interested in going to work to help this special place. We have a few youth going but we need some able bodied adults to go along. We would love to work alongside you as a faith family all together!


It will be W-O-R-K!  It may be H-O-T!  But it will be a great accomplishment when we finish!


The Home is doing some pretty big renovation work this summer for the location of their new school. First Presbyterian of Talladega has given them their CE building to use for a new education undertaking. We can be a part of that and help make it a lovely place for these kids to learn and grow. Instead of going to a foreign country we can just stay right in Alabama and make a difference.


Here is an excerpt from an article from "The Daily Home" about the new school:  At the end of this summer, The Presbyterian Home and the First Presbyterian Church will unveil the Ascension Leadership Academy, a new, private elementary school meant to provide "superior education with a Christian Foundation," according to a release about the new school.  The new school will be a partnership between the Presbyterian Home and the church (Talladega First Presbyterian).


The first school year is set to begin Aug. 17, and there will be room for about 30 students between kindergarten and eighth grade. Like Hope Academy, admittance will not be limited to residents of the Presbyterian Home. "We're hoping to draw students from Sylacauga, Pell City, Oxford, but Talladega will be the priority as long as slots are available," Mark Howard said.


The accommodations for our work trip are free! There is a kitchen available so we could pack sandwich stuff for lunches and then perhaps go out to dinner at night. All it would cost you is a few meals for fast food on the way up and back and then maybe one other meal out.


You would need to pack as if going to camp: sheets, pillow, towels, toiletries, etc. If we have more than 10 people go some will have to sleep on pallets or air mattresses.


Our youth need your support on this project. Our Presbyterian Home for Children needs your support on this project. Let's jump in!


Please contact Barri Pratt if you are interested in volunteering.


Thursday, May 26, 2016


Summer Celebration Kick-off for Terrific Tuesdays

Cave Quest VBS


June 4, 2016


Light lunch at noon

Monday, May 9, 2016


Terrific Tuesdays

VBS for the whole family

June 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th (6:15 - 8:00pm)

Supper served from 5:30 - 6:15pm

Program, studies, crafts for all ages


Summer Celebration kick-off for VBS

Saturday, June 4th
10:00am until noon


Lunch served at noon


Water slides, games, VBS registration.


Bring your friends and family for this fun day in anticipation of our Cave Quest VBS!


Ivy Green
Tuscumbia, Alabama
June 24 – 25, 2016

Visit Helen Keller's home and attend the play "The Miracle Worker" showing the relationship between Ann Sullivan and Helen Keller as they build a life of joy and service to so many. The play is Friday evening, and Saturday we will participate in the Helen Keller Festival in downtown Tuscumbia. Other activities considered are the Frank Lloyd Wright Home, Music Hall of Fame and others.

As we return home, plans for lunch at the Old Cook Stove Restaurant in Danville followed by, time permitting, a visit to the Dutch Bakery---always enticing with its many goodies.

The important part of this trip is you…please call the church office (205-565-7025) and let us know of your interest in this activity to help us plan. Further details will be forthcoming, but knowing of your interest is critical!

Friday, April 15, 2016


There will be no Bible study on April 19th.


Italian Feast Fundraiser – a delicious success

(1 Peter 2:4-5) “Come to Him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals yet chosen and precious in God’s sight, and like living stones, let yourself be built into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

It seemed we took a little trip to Italy together for this time of fundraising and fellowship. The décor, the music, the food all brought a festive feeling to the afternoon and extra dollars to our Building Fund.

It took a lot of work and planning to make it all happen and Shepherd of the Valley would like to thank all of those who helped in anyway. Your energies, support, and teamwork are greatly appreciated. There were so many who worked in all sorts of capacities, showing how God uses the varied talents and gifts within a congregation to make a beautiful Building. (1 Corinthians 3:9 - For we are God’s fellow workers. You are God’s field, God’s building. ESV)

Monday, April 11, 2016


McAdory/McCalla Roadside Cleanup
April 23, 2016 - 8:30 AM 11:00 AM

Volunteers Needed
Six hours of community Service available for participation

Meet at Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church


Aleksandra and Dina Kasman will be performing Russian Folk Music at the Bessemer Music Club Meeting on April 13th at the Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church. Aleksandra (Sasha) is the Winner of many AFMC Junior and Senior/Collegiate awards as well as several NFMC awards. She has also won several International awards. She has played solo performances and with her father, Yakov Kasman, with symphonies in Russia, China, Korea and France. Younger sister, Dina has also won AFMC and other awards. They both study with their father.

This is a good opportunity for the Music Club to show appreciation to the congregation for the use of this beautiful building by inviting them to this very special program including food and fellowship.


This will be the sixth year of the Birmingham Bible Reading Marathon and we as a church family will once again be participating. It is an international, annual event where people, young and old, read the entire Bible (Genesis through Revelation) aloud for 90 continuous hours, without commentary. Each volunteer will read aloud for 15 minutes and then pass the reading, like a baton, to the next person. Approximately 360 volunteers are required to complete the reading of the entire Bible.

This takes place on the front steps of Southside Baptist Church in Birmingham.  The reading begins Sunday, May 1 at 6:00pm and continues around the clock through Thursday, May 5 (the National Day of Prayer) at 11:30am. Some of our members will be reading on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Even some of our children and youth will be participating and some of our members will be there in the wee-hours of the morning and also serving as monitors.

Reading God's Word out to the world from those steps at Southside Baptist in the middle of Birmingham is a moment you do not forget. You do not know if someone may hear the scriptures read for the very first time, ever. Or your reading may be exactly what a passers-by hurting heart needs to hear. Or, you may feel that it is just you reading for God's pleasure as He listens to His children speaking His Words to honor Him. It is a blessing for so many and we appreciate all who make this event possible.


Join us for our annual Spring Handbell Concert on Sunday, May 1st, at 3:00 in the afternoon. There will be a wide array of music from beautiful hymns and negro spirituals to the great movie classics! This group of talented and dedicated musicians have inspired us and brought us much joy through the years and they continue to do so today. Bring your family and friends for a lovely afternoon of music and a cookie reception to follow.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


Italian Dinner Fundraiser

Saturday, April 9, 2016 at Noon

Tickets on sale now! $12.00 adults, $3.00 for children 12 and under

We will all enjoy a wonderful Italian meal and have the chance to purchase specially designed gift baskets for every personality, occasion, hobby, and interest to help support our building fund at SVPC. Please call the church office for information and tickets.

Thursday, March 31, 2016


I saw a statue of Jesus today.

He was hanging on the cross,

From bolts of iron in His wrists and feet.

His crown of thorns wedged tightly on His head.

His precious body scourged and torn,

Flesh hanging from His very limbs.

A sponge of gall and vinegar nearby,

The cat-o-nine with metal sharp,

Spread wide to show its evil intent.

And, while my heart was broken in grief

Knowing what He did for me,

My soul and spirit rose to Him

In love; for His dying for me.

How much He must love me overwhelms my mind;

How unworthy am I; Yet He made me His.

What can I do for YOU, Abba?

Look into me and see.

Purpose me for YOUR plan alone.

Strengthen and show me the way.

I commit myself to You my God.

For You are my purpose to live.


By Kay Stephens



Sunday, March 20, 2016


at 6:30 AM (a light breakfast will follow).
Worship Service starts at 11:00 AM



Join us for a Maundy Thursday Service
March 24 at Seven O'clock in the evening

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Palm Sunday, March 20, 10:45 AM


Egg Hunt and Lunch for the Whole Church Family and Friends
Palm Sunday, March 20, 12:05 PM

Monday, February 29, 2016


Lord Jesus, Your love flows through me.
Let me search and find those in need
To touch, to hold, to hug them,
Just as You always have done for me.
Human touch is necessary I am told.
How much more to be touched by You.
If I can be Your arms my Jesus,
Use me, Your will be done.
Let those whom I hug feel Your pure love,
And feel moved to follow You.
To feel Your peace, and seek Your grace, and
So, ask to be freed from their sin.
For, You alone are our Savior.
And, only You can save.
But, if a hug can help them see
You are waiting patiently,
Then, let me be Your arms, sweet Lord.
Let me live for You.
And, let me be Your disciple
To bring others closer to You.
By Kay Stephens

Sunday, February 28, 2016


Prayer Meeting

We will gather for a special prayer meeting on Monday, February 29, at 6:00 PM. With 2016 being an election year, the Spiritual Life Team would like to use this time to pray for the upcoming Alabama Primary Election on Tuesday, March 1st. We will be praying for the candidates and God's guidance through this election year.


Central Alabama Handbell Festival

At Pleasant Hill Methodist Church

Our talented and precious handbell choir will be performing with the other attendees of the festival on Saturday, March 5th at 3:00. They need to have your support of their fine work and dedication to this ministry of our church. Our new neighbors in McCalla also need to see us supporting this ministry and how important this group is to our faith family. It will be a wonderful music experience to hear all these bells ringing in one concert! We hope to see you there!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


Lenten Tree
We hope you will notice in the narthex that our 1st Anniversary Blessing Tree which was covered with notes from our members is changing for Lent. We pray that during this Lenten season we might emerge from our personal wildernesses and, leaning on His Word, be prepared to serve Him and His kingdom with new life. Watch our Lenten tree change these forty days and then as we welcome the risen Christ with joy on Easter Sunday!
As we enter into the season of Lent….
     setting aside the ordinary to focus on the extraordinary
     remembering Jesus’ time of testing in the wilderness
     taking a somber journey of examination and confession….
We will see our Lenten Tree in the narthex change…..
     from barren as wilderness
     to covered in symbols of Christ’s love for us
     from all our little blessings gone
     to covered with the blessings of True Life!

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Easter Lilies
It is almost time to order Easter Lilies! Look for order forms in the February 28 and March 6 Sunday bulletins!

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Dedication Sunday
"And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst." Ezra 25:8
Please join us for a special time of dedication during worship on Sunday, Feb. 21 when we will present memorial plaques in honor of several of our members who have made a significant impact at Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church:

Dr. Leroy and Mrs. Jo Holt for our sanctuary/worship space

Elizabeth and Martha Asbury for the office and education areas

Mrs. Katherine Wickstrom for the covered porch project
Please join us as we recognize their contributions to the ministry of SVPC and as we honor their faithful dedication and willingness to give to the vision of growing Christ's Kingdom.
Our vision of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian in McCalla was the climax of a long faith journey fueled by faith in God's calling us all to serve Him. Our Lord has blessed us in so many ways and this Sunday we will praise Him once again as we thank these servants for their gifts to this congregation.