Church News

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Dear Faith Family, 

As we open our hearts to being thankful, this mindfulness of the abundance in our lives brings us to thoughts of each of you. We are grateful for your service and love of Christ and we count it a blessing to come along side you in this mission. Thank you for all that you do from teaching Sunday School to opening the church for meetings and events, for preparing communion to preparing fellowship meals, for keeping the building maintained to maintaining records and finances. You do amazing work for the kingdom and for this faith family. 

The bounty in all of our lives is amazing and when we stop this week to give thanks to our Heavenly Father, we can also ask to be reminded of how to share those blessings with others. Our congregation has given itself to the ministry of Operation Christmas Child (by the way, we did finish packing and delivering 200 shoe boxes to the local distribution site. Our brothers and sisters there who we work with each year were so excited for us about accomplishing that goal! How sweet that they shared in our joy with us.) Coming up we have the opportunity to give and work with another mission oriented event, Feed My Starving Children, on Saturday, January 27, 2018. Every week in worship and ministry we all have the chance to give to each other the blessing of our presence and love and concern as we live out our faith in Jesus Christ here at SVPC, in our families, and in our world. 

Today through Saturday the pastor will be taking family time off. The office will be closed Thursday and Friday for Thanksgiving. 

We look forward to seeing you Sunday for our celebration of Thanksgiving. 

A blessed Thanksgiving to you all! 

The Staff of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church