Church News

Sunday, February 14, 2016


Dedication Sunday
"And let them make me a sanctuary, that I may dwell in their midst." Ezra 25:8
Please join us for a special time of dedication during worship on Sunday, Feb. 21 when we will present memorial plaques in honor of several of our members who have made a significant impact at Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian Church:

Dr. Leroy and Mrs. Jo Holt for our sanctuary/worship space

Elizabeth and Martha Asbury for the office and education areas

Mrs. Katherine Wickstrom for the covered porch project
Please join us as we recognize their contributions to the ministry of SVPC and as we honor their faithful dedication and willingness to give to the vision of growing Christ's Kingdom.
Our vision of Shepherd of the Valley Presbyterian in McCalla was the climax of a long faith journey fueled by faith in God's calling us all to serve Him. Our Lord has blessed us in so many ways and this Sunday we will praise Him once again as we thank these servants for their gifts to this congregation.