Church News

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Devotion - Day 1, Ash Wednesday

Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. You are invited to join us at First Presbyterian Church for our Ash Wednesday Service with the imposition of ashes at 6:00pm in the Chapel. Come and worship as we begin the journey of Lent together.

14“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.” John 10:14-15

Thought for the day: Have you ever wondered how long it took for Jesus and his disciples to get to know each other ~ to form some opinions about each other ~ to become friends to some extent? As their three year “walk to Jerusalem” neared its conclusion, were they friends when they arrived? How long did it take the disciples to get to know each other ~ to become friends?

Many questions arise as we embark on our forty-six day journey to Jerusalem and a cross. In today’s verses, Jesus was trying to help the disciples understand who he really was (more than two years after their journey together had begun). He talked about sheep and their shepherd. He described himself as a “Good Shepherd” who truly knew each one of the sheep in his flock. He suggested that each of those sheep knew who he was, too.

As we begin this Lenten walk, on this first day let’s begin by analyzing our own relationship with Jesus Christ. We rarely find the time needed to accurately describe our relationship with Jesus. Most of us are too busy to explore the relationship, and quite ready to live with what’s worked in the past. To prime your thinking, here are some suggestions that might describe your current relationship to Jesus Christ ~ check those that reflect your thinking, and add your own thoughts through contemplative meditation.

…know him as a key biblical figure

…someone I think about at church

…a name with which I close my prayers

…can’t wait to meet him in heaven some day

…a friend on whom I can count on during this earthly journey

Think carefully about your feelings regarding Jesus as you begin your walk to Jerusalem. Make room for a pause in your busy life to reflect on who you are, and who God is. Also, remind yourself that no matter what your feelings are, Jesus wants you to walk with him, even all the way to the cross.

Prayer: Jesus, on this Lenten walk, help me get to know you better. Amen

Questions for meditation:

1.      What will it take to make more “alive” your relationship with Jesus Christ?

2.      What blessings are yours because of your friendship with Jesus?

Blessings to all,

Spiritual Life Team